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Освіта Книги
Розробник: 凌網科技股份有限公司, Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd.

澳門城市大學圖書館為師生提供閱覽、流通、參考諮詢、文獻檢索、圖書館利用教育、電子資料庫培訓、館際互借等多類型、多層次的服務。本館引進「學習共享空間」(Learning Commons) 概念,強調整合且開放、隨和、共享的空間,讓學習更舒適、更多元,是集科技、資訊、及休閒兼備,指向學習、休閒與分享經驗的溝通場所。

City University of Macau Library provide multi-types of service which includes circulation, online booking and renewal service, reference consultation, literature retrieval, utilize resource of library, electronic database training and inter-library borrow service. The introduction of "Learning Commons" encourages idea sharing, discussions, brainstorming and information exchange through different communication channels under a comfortable, open-minded, and amiable atmosphere.